
Undefined service name: twitter?service=vkontakte.


70         $service = $this->getService($service);
71         return $service->type;
72     }
74     /**
75      * Returns the service identity class.
76      * @param string $service the service name.
77      * @return IAuthService the identity class.
78      */
79     public function getIdentity($service) {
80         $service = strtolower($service);
81         if (!isset($this->services[$service]))
82             throw new EAuthException(Yii::t('eauth', 'Undefined service name: {service}.', array('{service}' => $service)), 500);
83         $service = $this->services[$service];
85         $class = $service['class'];
86         $point = strrpos($class, '.');
87         // if it is yii path alias
88         if ($point > 0) {
89             Yii::import($class);
90             $class = substr($class, $point + 1);
91         }
92         unset($service['class']);
93         $identity = new $class();
94         $identity->init($this, $service);

Stack Trace

 /var/www/vhosts/tedxalmaty.com/httpdocs/protected/components/login/UserLogin.php(119): EAuth->getIdentity("twitter?service=vkontakte")
114         $service = Yii::app()->request->getQuery('service');
115         if (isset($service)) {
116             if (TEDXCITY == TedxUtility::DOMAINASTANA) :
117                 $authIdentity = Yii::app()->eauthastana->getIdentity($service);
118             else:
119                 $authIdentity = Yii::app()->eauthalmaty->getIdentity($service);
120             endif;
121             $authIdentity->redirectUrl = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getHostInfo();
122             $authIdentity->cancelUrl = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getHostInfo();
124             if ($authIdentity->authenticate()) {
 /var/www/vhosts/tedxalmaty.com/httpdocs/protected/components/login/UserLogin.php(75): UserLogin->checkCosialRequest()
70     /**
71      *  Инициализация виджета
72      */
74     function run(){
75         $this->checkCosialRequest();
76         $this->renderpath = Yii::app()->prostoSystem->initRenderWidgetDir($this->widgetdir);
77         $this->renderContent();
78     }
80     /**
 /var/www/vhosts/tedxalmaty.com/httpdocs/themes/tedx/views/layouts/layouts.php(381): CBaseController->widget("UserLogin", array("ismodal" => true, "linkselector" => ".js-login-modal"))
376 </div>
377 <?php
378 $this->widget('UserLogin', array(
379     'ismodal' => true,
380     'linkselector' => '.js-login-modal'
381 ));
382 ?>
383 <?php
384     if(Yii::app()->user->checkEmail() == true && Yii::app()->controller->getAction()->getId() != 'socialdata'):
385         Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(
386                 "checkSocialUser",
2024-04-18 22:47:14 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.14